OK. So I think I’ve missed three Fridays in a row for this letter. I have a really good excuse, though. You see I have been very, very, very hard at work making sure that, despite the difficult times for the design community, PCDF persists and is better than ever. I won’t lie; it’s been a struggle. Many places have closed down and many others are tying their best to hang on until things get better. Everyone has to figure out what’s right for them, but I’m of the mindset of forging ahead.
Everyone has heard the quote “Fortune favors the brave”. I’ve also heard people say “Fortune favors the fool”. Maybe we should just say, “Fortune favors the brave fool” and look for me at PCDF with a jester’s cap on.
We need a little levity, a little inspiration to get our creativity flowing.
I’m getting pretty excited about PCDF this year. We have a new venue in the Anchor Manufacturing building. The owners, Steve and Andi Rosenstein have been very generous and gracious in hosting the event. While you’re down for PCDF you can browse through their selection of vintage clothing – from athletic to WWII surplus.
We also have some new companies participating as well as some of our regulars displaying their latest offerings.
I am declaring next week PCDF Week at kontaktmag. Starting on Monday, we will be featuring stories about the people and businesses you’ll find at PCDF this year. I will also be posting updates to the blog. If you want up to the minute updates you can always follow us on twitter to get the play by plays as they happen.
It’s going to be a very busy and exciting week culminating in the 4th annual installment of the Phoenix Contemporary Design Fair.
Carpe Diem, don’t think about catching it next year, come out next weekend and experience the most unique design show around in an urban atmosphere, the way it was intended.
More information available here.
See you there,
Don Crossland
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